Participation of GUTS in a Research Programme of ATEI of Western Greece on Evoked Potentials as a means of predictiting disease attacks

TO THE MEMBERS OF Greek Union of Treatment of multiple Sclerosis



Dear members,

Evoked Potentials as you might know, is a  widespread, easily applied, non-invasive, painless, low cost diagnostic method that is being used for many years in the study of MS and other neurological diseases.
It has not any particularly  prognostic value in predicting complications and rehabilitation of Multiple Sclerosis.
Based on these data we started a collaboration with the Health Physics of the Physical Therapy Department Laboratory of Western Greece TEI so that members of GUTS, who would like to participate in this research protocol, targeting evoked potentials to emerge as a diagnostic method in the monitoring of MS progression, especially in the prevention of new disease-attacks (impulses).
More specifically for the convenience of participants, the necessary equipment has been transferred to headquarters GUTS in Patras (Sq. Workers Residential New Nat. Road, 2) and in specified and (follow up) meetings measurements will be done to our members who wish to participate in this effort by the team of the laboratory of the TEI, and the head of the research project Assist. Prof. Konstantinos Koutsogiannis of Natural Medicine and Electrophysiology with his colleagues.
For the better functioning of our cooperation will be held and other presentations to our members with broader themes on this particular field.
The diagnostic information will be available to the participants and measurements will be studied. The results of this study, we aspire to lead towards the use of evoked potentials as a prognostic methodology both to the disease and to restore the problems it induces with obvious benefits for paticipating patients.
For this reason, a Measurements Memorandum will take place at the offices of our Union every Tuesday at 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Starting from October 13th.
Further information: Union Secretariat (tel. +306936826400).

With respect
The Board of GUTS

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